Aau Na Aau – Rory And Friends
Aau Na Aau Lyrics and Chords Album: Ekchhin Baraalindaa Lyrics: Sarju Shrestha Verse 1 ..G [ Aau na aau timi ekaichin...
Aau Na Aau Lyrics and Chords Album: Ekchhin Baraalindaa Lyrics: Sarju Shrestha Verse 1 ..G [ Aau na aau timi ekaichin...
Mann Laagyo Lyrics and Chords Album: Ekchhin Baraalindaa Verse 1 Dm C Aaja feri timlai samjhi A# ...
Ekchin Baralidaa Lyrics and Chords Intro: D C G D Verse 1 D ..आज फेरी अनायासै C ..बितेका ति पलहरु G ...